Donate to the CLMRG

CLMRG is a Non-Profit 501(c)(3) organization. Financial and material gifts to us are tax deductible. CLMRG is supported by the Kern County Sheriff's Office and by private donations. 

Give Money

JustGive is the world's most trusted platform for online giving.  Thier mission is to ensure no great cause goes unfunded. They are enormously successful in helping people in 164 countries raise over $4.5 billion for good causes since they were founded in 2001. 

The mission of the CFC is to promote and support philanthropy through a program that is employee focused, cost-efficient, and effective in providing all federal employees the opportunity to improve the quality of life for all.

If you would like to send a check, our address is:
China Lake Mountain Rescue Group
P.O. Box 2037
Ridgecrest, CA 93556.

Wtih Amazon Smile, CFC, and United Way, you can give a little at a time to one or a lot to many. CLMRG benefits from all three. Take a look at their programs below.

Give Stuff

Want to help with something more tangeble?
Check out our wish list for some of the things we need to perform at our best! Remember, even material gifts are tax deductable! Let us know when you want to give something and we will arrange a time and place to recieve and provide a reciept for your tax records. 

  1. First Aid Supplies - We are always restocking and updating our equipment for missions and training. All kinds of first aid equipment is desired. We are trained in community frist aid and CPR/AED. Heat and cold packs, SAM Splints, and bandages are all desired. 
  2. Rope - We need to replace rope every year. We keep it in great storage conditions, but it still needs to be replaced every now and then. Kernmantle ΓΈ10 mm and larger in lengths of 100 meters or longer is our stock.  
  3. Mountaineering Gear - Every team member maintains their own cloths and personal gear, however, sometimes we need more than what a person would own and we can always use gear to help our education programs. Ice axes, radios, avalanche beacons, climbing ropes, climbing gear, and much more is always a welcomed donation. 
  4. Radios - Communication is always critical, and in the wilderness, there is little to no cell coverage. We are seeking handheld public service radios in the VHF bands that are fully part 90 compliant. We hope to replace 24 radios in the next few years. 

Give Time

Want to join China Lake Mountain Rescue Group? We are always looking for hikers and rescuers to help us and those in distress. Contact us for how you can join and take a look at our schedule for meeting up with us at our events. 
Not into hiking but still want to help? We need you, too! We need people to do many tasks including off roading, caring for the equipment, and designing this website. Contact us if you have any skill you think we can use. 


PO Box 2037
Ridgecrest CA, 93556

Contact Us

Contact Us
In an emergency, call 911